Ladies and Gentlemen, as we enter the end of summer, my mind automatically is drawn to the goals I still have left on my vision board to get through.
I don’t know about you all, but once summer gets closer to ending, all of the goals I haven’t accomplished yet come rushing to the front of my brain.
And it is like a sensory overload. I became nervous that I won’t accomplish everything I wanted to take care of in the current year and became fearful that it will affect my next year.
I feel panicky and start to operate life in a fight, flight, or freeze mode in response to any situation that comes my way.
But even further, although I don’t like to admit this sentiment, I compare myself to others’ accomplishments wondering why the same can’t happen to me.
So, I buckle down between August and December. Therefore, I can finish as many goals as I possibly can.
But, you know what that does to me? It leaves me feeling tired, stressed, irritable, overwhelmed, and rushed to get everything I want to accomplish in a short period.
It leaves me to follow a pattern of structure that doesn’t work for my lifestyle.
And, in the end, I feel burnt out and tired. But more importantly, I want to give up!
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is hard to stop doing something when you have programmed your mind to believe that this is the only way to get somewhere.
But more importantly, it’s hard to stop doing something you have become set in your ways about over time.
It becomes your routine, habits, and how you live life. And, sometimes, it causes you not to see things you once would have been able to because your eyes become blinded by the goals you have yet to accomplish.
Therefore, you begin isolating yourself, believing it’s the only way to accomplish your grinding season.
But what if there was another way?
What if we could grind with the support of others?
What if we could grind with our needs still being met?
I know you probably think that is easier said than done.
But, I am here to tell you that anything is possible with the right tools, techniques, and skills.
You just have to try!
You just have to stop comparing yourself to others and not letting rumors of what he says, or she says stop you from conquering what you have set out for your life.
You have to stay woke!
And optimistic about what your future will look like because blessings are on the way!
Let’s look at some examples, shall we?
Let’s use Ms. HotSauce as an example, owner and founder of SPARKFM online.
I bet you there were times when Ms. HotSauce thought SPARKFM would never be a reality. She probably wrote the plan down over a hundred times, ripped it up, and wrote a new plan until she finally got it to the place it is currently.
She probably had to grind and push herself beyond her needs to make her dreams a reality. There were perhaps hours of no sleep, moments of wondering how it would work, and moments of questioning, “Can I do this?”
But, now we have the privilege and honor of listening to the # 1 radio for Urban & Caribbean Music owned by the first Black woman in Boston to have her own radio station.
Or, let’s look at a recent hot topic in radio history, The Breakfast Club.
Angela Yee, a fellow black woman who, like Ms. HotSauce, had to grind to get where she currently is because she had dreams she wanted to make a reality, had to do the same thing.
And, now she will be her own host of her own show on Power 105.1!
These two women took their lives into their own hands, asked for help when needed, met their needs, and paved the way for other African American women and men to have positions in rooms we once may not have been allowed into before.
But more importantly, they never gave up!
The never-ending pursuit of their goals has given us some of the most exciting and iconic topics to address, made us laugh, think, do something we never thought we would, and step out on faith.
Therefore, I hope you will do the same as we move into the last couple of months of the year. I hope you will step out on faith!
I hope you will create a new path for all of your dreams! I hope you won’t give up on that dream you have wanted because blessings are coming your way.
I am not trying to preach or give you a sermon! But instead, I am just trying to encourage you to get back up and never give up on yourself or your future plans!
To be like Ms. HotSauce and Angela Yee!
To be like your own version of what success looks like and not to care what others may think. Because Beyoncé taught us in her album two weeks ago, we are not letting others stop our shine!
I am a realist, so I will not lie and say this will be easy!
Because I am here to tell you now, it will not!
There will be moments of wanting to give up and return to how it used to be!
But, what happens when the old ways lead to burnout?
What do you do then?
Therefore, Ladies and Gentlemen, take that break you need and reset your dreams because the world is waiting to hear from you!
And, we expect to hear greatness!
Find something that motivates you and get back to the hustle!
But, this time, do it differently! Get you some rest! Remove toxic energy!
I know we don’t like to talk about therapy but heal!
Set you up an appointment with a therapist, a life coach, or even a psychologist to help get you back on track!
And, when you are done building, present the world with who you are and get back to accomplishing the goals you have set out!
RESETs are not bad. They are good for the soul!
And, I can promise you, Ms. HotSauce and Angela Yee had to take resets to become the people you see them now to be!
So, go ahead and dust your shoulders off! Pick up your head!
And get back to where you see yourself being!
I’ll see you back in two weeks with a hot topic to address in our media, but today I wanted to send some encouragement!
To those of you who are feeling like giving up!
To those of you who are struggling to know what to do next!
To those of you who are battling symptoms of depression and anxiety!
To those of you scared to take a risk!
To those of you burnt out by life’s daily burdens!
Please know you’re not alone!
We are all trying to figure it out, and we can do it together!
One step at a time! One moment at a time! And, one goal at a time!
Just don’t give up yet! You have come too far from where you started to give up now!
Peace and Prosperity as always,
Jadis DeShong-Venay
Beyoncé .(July 29, 2022). Act I: Renaissance [Album]. New York, New York: Parkwood.
"Rumor Report w/ Angela Yee." The Breakfast Club. WWPR-FM Power 105. 1. New York City, 10. August. 2022. Radio.